14 comments on “The #IAMBINIBINI Introduction Videos Part 1

  1. @ Fabian Reyes Sir, ‘yun’g dalawa’ng sinabi niyo’ng bad posture, mga bata ng A&Q…

    … and both Mr. Tinio dedicated posts for way back, so they can’t be too bad. I’m a bit puzzled, though, with the former MMMC (Miss Millennial Mandaluyong City), that folks say she’s tall when on photos she registers short… maybe you are right that she needs to work on her posture? Or, perhaps she is like (Jehza) Huelar who has long limbs therefore gives the illusion of height.

    Over-all, the prevalent sentiment seems that KF will get BBP-International and A&Q will be relegated to a minor crown. And like you said, either Hannah wins or nothing (so she can cross-).

  2. Babi sya is one of the prettiest faces
    She sounds ok too.
    However , she does not have a beauty queen aura largely because of the body proportion and posture .

  3. Sharia is pretty but needs a beauty queen personality . She sounds good. However, her posture and the way her face moves as she talks need refinement . ‘Lang Lang’ or neneng nene ang dating

  4. Cinderella sounds really good
    She is pretty too. A bit short maybe ?
    She is not in my top ten

  5. Panlilio is another good one
    Girls raised abroad have the advantage . They seem a lot more sophisticated and have a nicer body … not to mention the skin the teeth and the language proficiency .

    • @ Fabian Reyes Are you kidding, sophisticated is Panlilio? You consider flossy someone who dances like a clown on Ellen (Degeneres)? 😦

      NO, sophisticated is NOT JUST “white wine reduction”…. Let’s see if she can put together a killer sans rival (cake). 🙂

      You want S-V-E-L-T-E? Take (the former MBP Hazel Joy) Ortiz! Bet siya ni Adam Genato…

      So many with depression issues/backstories… Just for that, I am so dropping one from A&Q…

      You want F-R-E-S-H? The one from Quezon Province, she who cooked breaded dory for breakfast.

  6. Felizarta has just moved up on top for me .
    She is very feminine with a very beautiful speaking voice
    I hope she keeps that make up for the finals .

  7. some of the girls are really eloquent and spontaneous we might see atleast two darkhorses win this if the favorites dont step up…

  8. Karen will win miss intercon ph
    Sam b will be miss globe
    Mau will be mgi pH
    Mi will go to a kf or rl or independent lady hindi aces

    • Meiji Cruz and Justine Felizarta are super pretty On these videos
      They should be in the winning circle

      • @fabian someone fr pageantry circle told me to stalk francheska taruc ig . Si taruc Kasi mi nya
        I also like felizarta as in pansinin
        top winner might emerges fr the underated

  9. Bb Pil-Intl- Vicky Rushton
    Bb Pil-Grand Int’l- Samantha Bernardo
    Bb Pil Intercontinental- Maureen Montagne
    Bb Pil-Globe- Hannah Arnold
    First runner-up- Gabriel Basiano
    2nd runner-up- Karen Mendoza

  10. Thanks for uloading ttito, its refreshing infairness, we see the girl and have a feel of their vibes a themselves…

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