20 comments on “Rizzini Alexis Gomez: a potential MWP in the making?

  1. It seems like Rizzini has bunch of relatives here. ? I miss Golda Soller,the original Barangay Queen.
    Her successor is born,and her name is Rizzini!

  2. Ano Ba kayo mga Ateh! Ala naman siyang Beauty Queen Factor Eh… Height at Flawless lng siya, ala syang Charisma in International pageant….. 🙂

    • EXCUSE ME? You shouldn’t be talking. Completely You don’t know anything about her, so why say?

  3. One can only wonder why she failed to make the cut at this year’s BB Pilipinas screening. I mean, there were those other girls who were not even articulate enough to express themselves coherently in interviews who passed the BB Pilipinas screening. At 5’10” and with no apparent physical flaws, one must assume it must have been Rizzini’s interview skills (or lack of it) that caused her to not make the cut at BBP this year.

    • INTERVIEW???Are you kidding me?no way,that’s actually her forte.When she was asked during Miss World Philippines 2012 ,she was very spontaneous.She’s Magna Cum Laude and you can also watch her interview during Aliwan Festival where she won and Miss Cebu 2009 where she placed 1st Runner-up.

    • I beg to disagree, Rizzi as we call her, is the most articulate Ms. Cebu ever! She speaks with confidence, conviction and with a lot of sense. No grammatical error, fillers or anything. You can search for it in youtube… Well, she was actually told by Madam Araneta to come back next year, but no explanations were provided. I bet there’s really politics in BPCI, the fact that she was handled by a Cebu agent and not by the 2 camps known to dominate and have connections with the organization. Just my thought.

      • Thanks for the info. With her solid interview skills, Rizzini’s physical stature and beauty should have made her a shoo-in at BP this year. So your theory of politics having played a role makes a lot of sense. Perhaps Madame Araneta already had her hand-picked winners in mind (i.e., Janine Tugonon) and considered Rizzini a threat — so she asked her to try out “next year” without so much of an explanation. It is always deplorable when politics gets in the way of beauty — and Madame Araneta’s history is so full of it.

  4. Is it true na kaisa-isa lang siya na nagpa-screening sa Cebu kuya?

      • You doubt it?Don’t you have sources?I thought your blog is legit?It’s actually true,only Rizzini screened.All the other girls were nowhere to be found.

      • No, it is not true that she was the only one who screened. There were bunchful of girls during the screening. What happened was, she wasn’t part of the screening process anymore, but was presented in the media, together with the reigning MWP Princesses, as one of Cebu’s representatives (the others would be coming from those who screened).

    • She was Ms. Mandaue 2008, a pageant not limited to Mandaue, but the whole of Cebu, as a region…
      She was Ms. Cebu 2009 1st runner up, with .5% difference from the titleholder whose winning was actually questioned…
      She was Aliwan Festival Queen 2010, her first national pageant…
      Then she focused on her studies of which she also graduated with honors, passed the license exam…
      Now she resumes her childhood dream of representing our country in the world stage… Hopefully luck will be at her side this time!

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